Late Collection
Wrap around care is available through our breakfast club and the New Ark City Farm for after school care. We have after school clubs which must be pre-booked in advance
If you are going to be late, please let the office know at the earliest convenience.
If family members are continuously late due to non-emergency reasons, we have no choice to add a charge to your account due to having to appoint staff members and pay overtime. To avoid these cost, please ensure you arrive in a timely manner. Costs only occur if it happens frequently.
Here is the letter we send:
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please may we remind you that the school day finishes at 3:15pm. Under no circumstances should a child be left at the academy any later than this time, unless there is an emergency or a valid reason as to why you will be late collecting your child from school which we are aware of and have agreed.
If there is an unavoidable reason as to why you are going to be late, you will need to contact the school office. It is important that you let us know in plenty of time so that we can get a message to your child and their class teacher.
If your child is left at school past 3:15pm with no explanation, we will try to contact you. If your child is left uncollected and attempts to contact you have been unsuccessful, then the academy will have no other option than to contact the police and/or children’s social care services because we will consider this a safeguarding issue.
If you are persistently late collecting your child from school on time, the academy will start charging you £5 per child for every 15 minutes you are late.
Thank you for cooperation with this urgent matter.